Paul Kaye

Paul Kaye's articles

This New Year, don’t set goals.
It’s interesting that at the start of the New Year we seem to become obsessed with setting new goals for our teams and ourselves. Psychologically the start of the New Year seems to signal a ...
Control Stifles Creativity And Growth
You know how frustrating it is when you’re driving and there’s someone sitting in the back seat, wincing and groaning as you maneuver through traffic. They’re barking orders ...
There is one constant in all aspects of life whether it be in business or in personal lives – change.  Change isn’t something you can simply avoid. It’s inevitable. ...
The Good And The Bad Of Leadership
“When you think of great leaders what names come to mind?” That was a question I was asked this week. Names like Winston Churchill, Steve Jobs, Sheryl Sandberg, Richard Branson, ...
The Importance Of Setting Goals
Having a goal and working toward it is a fundamental component to success. Goal setting is what gives us clarity. When you get into your car and start the engine you have a destination in mind. ...
Talent should know this… part 2
Talent isn’t as important to the audience as it should be.I get frustrated when I observe the spoken words of air personalities being ignored, often unintentionally, by the audience. While ...
Talent should know this…
I’m not one of these people who thinks our industry won’t survive. I do believe the future will look – and sound – different. Very different. I’m not one of those ...
A Big Ego Is Crucial For Success
 If you love a healthy debate then you’re just like me. I get excited at the idea of challenging norms. One heated conversation I often find myself having surrounds the ...
The Characteristics Of Great Talent
Great talent makes the difference. It’s undeniable. Great talent gives your brand a point of difference. They get you noticed and talked about. They create desire and excitement. Through ...