Conroy ‘Media doing fine’

Staff Writer

Following the release of the wide-ranging Convergence Review report on monday, there has been strong criticism of a number of the recommendations contained in it from all media sectors.

The key criticism from Commercial Radio Australia has been around a 'lack of detail' around the proposal to abolish license fees, replacing them with a spectrum fee priced through a market-based approach.

CRA has also crticised the recommendation for local content quotas on digital music stations such as Radar, Koffee, Buckle and Novanation.

CEO of Commercial Radio Australia Joan Warner said "We don't support anything that means we pay more for the spectrum we're using". She went on to say that it was ridiculous for the review to exempt internet-based music stations from quotas, and not the digital radio brands.

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy (right) has responded to the criticism from various quarters saying: 

"I'm not sure I can keep a straight face and say that media companies are struggling, I think there are some tough times still ahead (but) News Limited continues to make a reasonable profit…despite a very tough advertising market"


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