Ray Hadley goes after Alan Jones for supporting “dill” Pete Evans

Staff Writer
Ray, Alan and Pete Evans

Ray Hadley has taken aim at his former co-worker Alan Jones over his appearance on a podcast hosted by controversial celebrity chef and media personality Pete Evans.

Jones joined Evans, who has made headlines in recent months with anti-vax, anti-mask and anti-media coronavirus conspiracy theories, on his Evolve podcast.

His appearance enraged Hadley on Monday (September 7), who called the chef “a very dangerous person”.

“Pete Evans is a dill. I noticed that my former colleague Alan Jones waxing lyrical on his podcast website,” Hadley said.

“The day that Alan Jones is an ally of Pete Evans is the day that we have a problem.

“This bloke is a very dangerous person, Pete Evans, not just because of his insane theories but he’s encouraging people to invest in something where they could lose a lot of money and they need to be really careful.”

After appearing on the podcast, Jones defended himself in a comment to SMH

“Simple. He asked me. I said yes,” Jones said.

“He is entitled to his views. At least I hope he is. As I am entitled to mine.

“I didn’t think there was anything controversial in the content. You should listen!!!!”

In April, Evans and his company were in hot water after advertising a ‘BioCharger’ device which he claimed could be used to treat coronavirus.

The Theraputic Goods Administration (TGA) found the claim had no apparent foundation and issued Evans with two separate infringement notices, totalling in a $25,000 fine.

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Peter Johnson
8 Sep 2020 - 10:58 pm

I think Ray misses Alan’s huge lead in. This will become very apparent when the next radio ratings come out

Phillip k Iles
9 Sep 2020 - 8:36 am

Pete Evans needs to be silenced as an influencer is damaging the foundations of vaccination for what reasons. I’ll bet he didn’t get polio,hooping cough, diphtheria because HE WAS VACCINATED. Please Peter Evens stop white anting and retire from public life and VACCINATE your children

9 Sep 2020 - 10:30 am

Hey Philip K, I grew up in the 60s when safe vacation was everywhere. Thankfully my parents didn’t vaccinate (on the advice of their trusted GP) and guess what We survived. Yes some serious illnesses were eradicated but some atrocities also occurred. Do some research on the drug Thalidomide. Widely used around world on pregnant women to treat morning sickness and found to cause horrendous birth defects.
I would recommend you check out the link: helix.northwest.edu/article/thalidomide-tragedy-lessons-drug-safety-and-regulation
Don’t stick your head in the sand.
We need people like Pete (and he is not the only one) so we have ALL the information and can make well informed divisions for ourselves.
Also, you spelled Whooping cough wrong.

Al Vento
23 Sep 2020 - 4:51 pm

Ray who?


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