Triple M Grill Team pranked by Kyle & Jackie O on Working Naked Day

Staff Writer

The Triple M Grill Team celebrated Working Naked Day today, when they were pranked by Kyle and Jackie O care of their intern Pete.

The Grill Team received a call from KIIS106.5’s Kyle and Jackie O, with Kyle announcing that he was “sending a special gift over”.

“Ladies and gentlemen, our intern Pete, appearing nude in their studios,” Kyle announced, before Pete ran around wildly, past Matty Johns who was inexplicably holding a cricket bad (to protect himself?)

Some banter of mixed quality ensued, between Kyle and Jackie and the Grill Team, with perhaps the best coming after Emma Freedman quipped that Pete looked “tip top.”

“Yeah, like a loaf of bread,” added Kyle.

The best came from Pete himself, who said “I’ve got to do my Grill Team laugh,” before doing a hilariously over-the-top roar.

The Grill Team were apparently well-prepared for the stunt, having plastered newspaper over the majority of the studio’s glass walls.

Gus Worland apparently got in on the act as well.

According to the origin of the day goes back to a women named Lisa Kanarek who founded a brand called Working Naked after she left a corporate job and began working from home.

We’re pretty sure this isn’t what she was thinking of when she created the day…

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2 Feb 2018 - 2:50 pm

Pranked or arranged? I’d be using Kiss’s bigger audience to promote TripleM if I were them. Or he just walked through security and the producers into the studio naked. Seems legit

Lisa Kanarek
3 Feb 2018 - 4:21 am

Haha! You’re right… not what I had in mind, but still hilarious!

6 Feb 2018 - 1:09 pm

@bob, what was it that tipped you off? Perhaps all the newspaper on the studio windows to make it somewhat private in there?


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